How to create a strong password | Protect your online information and data

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We live in a password-driven world. For almost every account like email, social sites, bank account that you make online, you are required to make a secure password.

A strong password or unique password will keep your accounts safe from hackers. How can you make your password strong enough to not get cracked by the bad guys, criminals or other malicious players?

Here are steps you can take to create a strong password that are secure. Some or all might help protect your online information and data:

* First avoid using common passwords. Remember your name, username, 1234, your pets name, car name are not a strong password.

* Create a password that has eight or more characters since this is usually the minimum for most password requirements. The longer the password the more secure it is likely to be.

* Use different passwords everywhere and try to create a memorable super secure passwords.

* If you feel you have problems remembering strong passwords, then take a moment to think of a phrase that’s meaningful to you. Use that phrase to create a secure password that you can customize for each website. because it’s easy to remember. For example, pick a phrase that is meaningful to you, such as “My name is Rony and my birthday is14 December, 2012”. Using that phrase as your guide, you might use MniRaMbi14/D12 for your password.

Strong password 300x225 How to create a strong password | Protect your online information and data * Where between 4 and 20 characters are the difference makers in whether you’re able to access your data and personal information. A strong password is an important protection to help you have safer online business.

* Use at least 2 numbers,  2 upper-case letters, 2 lower-case letters and 2 special characters

Finally, Passwords are like underwear, never write down your passwords and don’t share them or don’t leave them out for others to see.

Please leave your comments about this post. If you follow different methods or rules for creating a strong password, please share them with everybody in the comments.

Important Note:
Computer expert say that changing your password every 30 days is a good rule-of-thumb, and you should never go longer than 90 days before picking a new password.

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Tags: password, secure, secure password

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